PTE Writing: Core English Skills Part 2

There are many core English skills that are required for the PTE Academic. The writing questions in the test require spelling, grammar and vocabulary skills in order to score well. In addition to this, you will need to understand written discourse. Written Discourse Written discourse involves the structure, coherence, logical development and range of linguistic resources in a written text. Linguistic […]

PTE Writing: Core English Skills Part 1

Part 1 of PTE Academic includes a variety of speaking and writing question types. For writing questions, you may need to improve your skills, such as grammar, spelling and vocabulary. To help practice these skills, we’ve put together some tips on how to improve for this part of the test. Grammar To help improve grammar, get into the habit of […]

PTE Speaking: Core English Skills

In Part 1 of the PTE Academic test, you require certain skills to answer the questions within the test to the best of your ability. We’ve put together some tips and advice on how to practice and improve your core skills.   Oral Fluency   Oral fluency applies to the Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image and Re-tell Lecturequestion types. To improve your oral […]

Reviewing Test Performance

If you have completed PTE Academic, you would know by now that it is scored against the Global Scale of English and that you need to practice many skills for each part of the test: Speaking & Writing, Reading and Listening. After completing PTE Academic you will receive an email notification that your results are available online. Typically within 5 days. Learn how to […]

How long will I wait for my PTE Academic results?

Most test scores are now returned within just 2 days During 2018 students, migrants and professionals that sat PTE Academic received their scores in even less time than ever before. In fact, during 2018, 85.7% of PTE Academic test takers received their results within just 2 days. Why could my score take longer than 2 days? There are a number of reasons why […]

Your guide to understanding PTE Academic

Prepare for success with our two-part webinar series Preparing for PTE Academic, like any exam, is easier when you know what to expect. Watch the videos below to gain a detailed understanding of PTE Academic and give yourself the best chance of performing well on test day. Part one provides and introduction to PTE Academic, detailing the key features of the test […]

PTE Test Tip: Make sure you’re familiar with the PTE test equipment

PTE Academic is completed on a computer, including the speaking part of the test. So make sure you are prepared by familiarizing yourself with the equipment you will use during your test. Reading these test tips and you will be fully prepared. PTE Academic test equipment: Computer Check Before the test starts you will do an equipment check to ensure your headphones […]

PTE Test Tip: On PTE test day, don’t leave anything to chance

Your Test Day Checklist We understand that taking PTE Academic can be a stressful experience for many test takers. One way of reducing the stress and performing at your best is to plan ahead for test day so that you leave nothing to chance. Check that you are ready with this interactive checklist. Watch the video below to learn about the […]

How do you know PTE Academic’s computer marking works?

How we know automated scoring works Are you thinking of taking PTE Academic, or have you recently taken it, but you are wondering how it is that a computer can mark your test? Well, firstly the test has been designed by humans, all leading experts in their field. Our human experts design and write the questions, quality assure them and […]

How does PTE Academic mark different accents?

Your accent will not stand in the way of success! Everyone has an accent. You might even be a proficient or native English speaker, but with an accent other people find hard to understand. So how does your accent affect your score when you take PTE Academic? Because PTE Academic is marked by a computer, it can cut out potential […]