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How to Score 79+ in PTE Exam?

How to Score 79+ in PTE Exam?

Score 79+ PTE (Pearson Test of English Academic) is evidence of an individual’s proficient English level. It is equivalent to 20 points in the points test system of the General Skilled Migration (GSM) visas of Australia. These visas require a total of 65 points, which is attainable by providing proof of qualifications in terms of age, education, work experience, English ability, and state nomination (for visa 190 only). For some occupations, the number of applicants is quickly increasing, and competition for the remaining slots is tough. Sixty-five points are certainly not enough to guarantee an invitation. If you choose these occupations, you must work your way up to increase your points and to increase your chances of receiving an invitation.

Get your basics right: Understanding how the questions are scored can turn the tables in your favor.

Pay close attention to the instruction in every question. If it has a time limit, provide your response in the given time. If there is negative marking, be careful not to answer unless you are sure.

Make each practice of yours a conscious one. Trying to do plenty of Practise Tests blindly is not going to help at all. Go for quality practice, and more than that aim always to give it with a lot of presence of mind.

 Assess your skill level for Score 79+ in PTE

Find practice questions and material (a great place to start is our PTE free Mock) and get a sense of what the PTE exam questions will look like and what you find challenging.

Capitalize on your strengths and work on your weak skills:

Knowing your grey areas will help you work on them and improve.
Have an understanding of questions you are comfortable with and the ones that make you a little distressed.
Continuously challenge yourself.
Silly mistakes like spelling errors or missing to listen to certain words or forgetting the instructions are a big no-no.

To speak correctly, you will need to have the listening skills. To write efficiently or answer the reading question, you must know the grammar, vocabulary, coherence. While listening, you will also need to write correctly.
Here too, practicing, getting your attempts evaluated, and its results will help you know your specific performance and determine how long you have to go.
Follow the tips and strategies. Fight the urge to get results in just a few attempts.

Allocate time for the preparation or make a study plan. It is not enough that you’ve read everything to know about PTE Academic. Dedicated practice will train your mind and voice to respond to the most challenging tasks.
Prepare the right equipment. Invest in a computer and noise-canceling headphones with a microphone. Visit this page to learn about the scored mock tests.
Use a timer when practicing and record yourself. Ask somebody else to listen to your recordings and make them assess your performance.

Read testimonies and tips from takers who have successfully score 79+ in all PTE sections. They share specific and detailed tips that might work out for you.
Do not overwhelm yourself with tons of study materials or try to finish them off to have the satisfaction of completing several materials; pick published and recommended materials.
Do not spend too much time on sections and tasks you’re comfortable practicing in. We tend to stick in our comfort zone. Learn to overcome your aversion on tough and difficult tasks.

Balance your time and energy

Balance your time and energy on each of the sections. Spending more time on the challenging tasks is good but never slack on easier tasks.
Review basic English grammar and spelling.

Familiarize yourself with the test format, test sections, task types, time limit, word limit, sequence, and scoring.
Formulize a list of tips per task, e.g.
Listen to podcasts while driving, watch English news, and read academic textbooks, journals, research papers.

Use your real accent. Do not try to imitate American, British, or Australian accents.
Learn to be relaxed, self-confident, and comfortable. Do not fidget. Do not stutter. Avoid fillers and non-words.
Speak fluently. Do not eat your words and properly pronounce the last letter of the words.
Do not be monotonous; emphasize the right syllables. Talk at a modest pace.
Do not shout; use a moderate volume in speaking.

Recognize your weaknesses and work on improving them. Never tell yourself that you are not good at some tasks. Challenge yourself.
Have the right discipline, focus, and presence of mind. You are not attentive when you are studying by going through some tasks without reviewing your mistakes and understanding the answers and sample responses. Have a hunger to learn so that you will not get tired.
Do not just take the exam to get it over with. If you fail, you have to book another test, spend time to prepare, and go through a lot of stress once more.
If you are taking for the PTE Academic for the nth time, take some time to ponder. Maybe you are making the same mistakes. Perhaps you are not improving. Maybe you need to change your game plan.

Score 79+ in PTE Exam

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